San Andreas is bound to be groundbreaking in the amount of open gameplay it gives to players. New vehicles, cityscapes and more control over the storyline and your character will all be wrapped into one cult classic. Rockstar yet again brings their originality and experience to the table with the latest and greatest title in the Grand Theft Auto series. It's bigger, it's badder, and it packs more ass-burnin' fun than a jar of bean dip. Say hello to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas!
Welcome to San Andreas, USA. 'San Andreas, loosely based on California, is made up of 3 cities complete with countryside and desert in between.' The first thing you'll notice when playing the game is that San Andreas is a state, not a city. San Andreas, loosely based on California, is made up of 3 cities (each rougly the same size of Vice City) complete with countryside and desert in between.
The latter 2 both include their own variety of missions to complete, as well as having Rockstar's trademark stunts and rampages to check out in your spare time. High limit lovin' in Las Venturas. To compliment the new huge map, an extremely massive mountain has been thrown in. Every hill that Vice City lacked seems to have been rolled together into one huge-ass rock. Apparently it takes just under a minute to ascend the mountain in a helicopter. Sure to be fun riding down it!
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Although Rockstar has (quite literally) sized up the competition with a huge expanse of land, they haven't skipped over the small stuff. Vice City introduced snazzy new interiors that were both jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring.
With an increased amount of time to work on San Andreas (a full extra year), Rockstar has promised to give us more of the same. More interiors means more buildings. SA is situated in a fuller and more diverse environment than in either GTA3 or Vice City - no more of those large lots of empty land or static buildings, as we experienced in Vice and GTA3. Getting from point A to point B in style. 'SA is situated ia fuller and more diverse environment than in either GTA3 or Vice City.' As well as bringing back classic GTA vehicles and introducing new ones to the mix, what many thought would never be found in a GTA game finally became reality - bikes.
No, I'm not talking about more PCJ-600's for you to blast around suburbia in, I'm talking about genuine, pedal-to-the-asphalt bicycles. BMX Bicycles, Mountain Bikes and Lowrider Bikes are all featured. Swimming in Los Santos. As well as bicycles, there is also area-specific vehicles. Just as the caddy's were unique to Leaf Links (golf range) in Vice City, you can be certain that there will be many more specific modes of transportation only available in certain locales.

4-wheeler fun in the countryside, for example? You can also unlock special vehicles as you progress through the game. One thing that many gamers have complained about is the fact that, since the beginning of the GTA series, you would drown even in knee-deep water. It seems that the boys at Rockstar have finally caved to our moaning and bitching, and have given us the ability to swim in San Andreas. Moving the left analog stick forward triggers the classic 'Breaststroke' movement.