Nov 16, 2009 - does anyone know how to remove coreldraw free trial version from your computer completely? I tried the normal uninstall through the control.
Sorry I didn't get to this post sooner for some reason it didn't show in my alert. What kind of objects are you working with? Bitmap, Line, Circle, etc. Or does this effect all types of objects. Also are you selecting one object and changing it's scale or are you selecting multiple objects at a time?
These are a few things that can effect the way the scale is displayed. Also when you speak about about the way the scale is displayed do you mean the object dimension scale or the screen view scale? Sorry to ask so many questions but hopefully it will help identify the issue, also if you have a file that you are happy to upload it may help with identifying the problem.
Just in case this helps here are some is some info on how scale size displays and how it can get reset back to 100%. When you select multiple objects the scale for the objects will always be shown as 100%, any change to the scale will be applied relatively to the group which means if you have one object at 80% and one at 50% and you select both of them they will show as having a scale of 100%, now if you change the scale to 50% and then only select the object that was originally 80% it should now have a scale of 40% and the 50% will be 25%. If you select the two objects again they will now show as 100% again.
If you have a grouped object and you change it's scale the scale should stick, however if you ungroup then regroup the object it's scale will be set to 100% again. If you have a Circle or Rectangle drawn with their respective tool and you press 'Arrange->Convert to Curves' (or ctrl+q) the object will have it's scale reset to 100%. If you trim or weld an object it will have it's scale reset to 100%. If you have an object and you convert it to a bitmap it will reset the scale to 100% for that object.
These are the ones I can come up with off the top of my head but there are many more with a little more info I should hopefully be able to explain the effect you are seeing. Hello Craybe. I will try to explain exactly what I need to accomplish. I have an old sheepwagon. I purchased the blueprint for this type of sheepwagon.I am restoring this wagon.
Many pieces are missing or incomplete. I need ONLY to determine fairly exact dimensions of any object shown on the blueprint. I also need to be able to determine any distance or other measurement on the blueprint. I imported the scan into CorelDraw X4 and saved it as a CDR. Utilizing your Expert answers in the previous exchage, I am able to, one by one, use the dimension tool and determine any single measurement I want. However, after I do one measurement the scale seems to reset and I have to set the scale once again. I want to be able to do many measurements at one time without resetting things.

To try to answer your question: I don't know the difference between 'object dimension scale or the screen view scale.' I think that my requirement is rather simple in comparison to the capabilities of CorelDraw. Now that you know exactly what I'm trying to do it might be much easier for you to assist me. Since this drawing / blueprint was costly I prefer not to upload it for public consumption. Hara hara mahadeva shambo shankara serial mp3 songs download. Is there some way to get it to you personally? I don't want to violate any 'Rules' of this site.
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