Alcohol 120%, is a powerful Windows CD and DVD burning software that makes it easy to create backups of DVDs and CDs. Additionaly, the program lets you store your most used CDs as images on your computer, and you can mount them on 1 of the 31 virtual drives with a click of a button. Our burning software includes a Pre-Mastering function which lets you burn files directly from your hard drive, and supports Blu-ray format and HD DVD.Compatible with all Windows 32 and 64 bit operating systems up to Windows 8. Alcohol 120% supports a wide range of CD/DVD image files including.mds,.iso,.bwt,.b5t,.b6t,.ccd,.isz,.cue,.cdi,.pdi and.nrg formats. – Antipod66 Instructions: • Copy the cracked file (msimg32.dll) to installation folder • delete “star_syn_client.dll” from installation folder Download Alcohol 120% Previous Versions: • – Antipod66 • -Sternog • -Antipod66 • -Sternog • -Sternog.
Alcohol 120 Full Build 8314. Hit2k.com – Alcohol 120 Full is a burning software that is easy to make the backup software or bootable, this software also supports for the creation of virtual CDs, many of the functions that can be used from the software that only small, the backup files to a CD or DVD properly, and Fiture others were able to bypass the DVD Copy Protection, meaning that my.
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