Sonic Heroes. Download the full version. You can play as Team Sonic, controlling Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna and Miles 'Tails'? Prower; Team Dark, controlling. PC, Windows 10/Windows 8. Viewing games 1 to 2.
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Instead of muddying the waters with the bevy of Sonic-related characters that seem to multiply like bunnies in each game ' Sega divided up the characters into teams of three. You can play as Team Sonic, controlling, Knuckles the Echidna and Miles 'Tails'? Prower; Team Dark, controlling Shadow the Hedgehod, E-123 Omega and Rouge the Bat; Team Rose, controlling Amy Rose, Big the Cat and Cream the Rabbit; or Team Chaotix, controlling Espio the Chameleon, Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee. Although the teams each have a unique look, they mostly play the same and have to take on the same challenges which in this game means once more defeating Dr. Eggman and taking on a Mystery Monster. What makes this game work so much better than previous 3D Sonic games is that Sega has weeded out all of the clutter and concentrated on what made Sonic such a great game to play in the first place ' speed.
That doesn't mean you will zoom through each level at blurring speeds, but you will be doing a lot of dizzying loops, corkscrews and ricocheting bounces. To make the three characters manageable you will only have control of one at a time. You can use the Y and X buttons to switch between which one is in the lead, and under your control, on the fly. This works quite well because the level has been designed in sections where you will lean heavily on a particular character's particular skills. For instance, there are places where you have to fly up giant blocks using Tails abilities or take out flying creatures using his attacks. Other sections require Sonic's speed or Knuckles brute force to knock down walls.
You can also use the characters in unison to deliver particularly powerful attacks. Once you dig into the game you'll quickly find yourself coming up against creatures that require the attacks of different characters, one after the other, to defeat.
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That's really what makes this game such a blast to play, Sega has found a way to seamlessly blend the distinctly different styles of their characters into a game that makes sense and is easy to master. The graphics aren't over the top impressive, but do the job nicely. The only complaint I have is the scenes that jump to a distance shot which seem to muck up your controls. The sound in the game leans heavily on its predecessors, but I don't think that's all bad.