JVComm32 registration is a Communications::Other Comms Tools software developed by Eberhard Backeshoff. After our trial and test, the software was found to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for JVComm32 registration: JVComm32 is a multipurpose program for the reception of HF-FAX weather charts, weather images from low earth orbiting satellites (e.g. NOAA), and geostationary weather satellites such as METEOSAT. It can decode RTTY and SYNOP/SHIP as well as NAVTEX weather- and navigational messages on short-wave. Furthermore, JVComm32 can be used for the reception and transmission of amateur-radio SSTV (Slow Scan TeleVision). In SSTV mode, JVComm32 receives and transmits all the modern popular free run modes including the new high resolution 'Pasokon' modes P3, P5 and P7.
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JVComm32 is a multipurpose program for the reception of HF-FAX weather charts, weather images from low earth orbiting satellites (e.g. NOAA), and geostationary weather satellites such as METEOSAT.
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It can decode RTTY and SYNOP/SHIP as well as NAVTEX weather- and navigational messages on short-wave. Furthermore, JVComm32 can be used for the reception and transmission of amateur-radio SSTV (Slow Scan TeleVision). In SSTV mode, JVComm32 receives and transmits all the modern popular free run modes including the new high resolution 'Pasokon' modes P3, P5 and P7.