So as the thread title states.I came across Kart Rider, a cel-shaded online Mario Kart clone. I realize it has been out in Korea for a while but just recently it's been released in English. The game download is 232mb and should work on most computers with a decent graphics card.
KartRider is a racing game that is very popular in Korea. Seasonal tournaments are held much in the same way that they are for Starcraft, attracting big crowds and having large prize pools.
Kart rider consists of two types of gameplay. Iar embedded workbench for avr 6.70 crack. Item and Speed both supporting up to 8 players max.
The game also has a single player story mode which rewards you with in game money to buy items and characters. You can also pay real money to get things ahead of time but it's not necessary. The game begins with a tutorial which then gives you a Rookie license which you can use to race against other rookies as it will not allow a higher level racer to beat the snot out of a lower level one. To read more about it you can check out the Kart Rider wikipedia entry. And if you're curious to see it in action there's several videos of the game on youtube. I hope some of you give it a try!
Oh and pardon my messy post. I'm not much of a thread starter. Kart Rider site: Kart Rider wikipedia: Kart Rider youtube vids. I say the criticism on the game is more or less unfair as nintendo seriously had years to try developing Mariokart Online like this game for online play.
The closest being Mariokart DS which even then could have better done for the PC due to how many players would have loved to join a racing game at the same time. They didn't take the chance and look what happened. At least Nexon didn't actually use the likeness of Nintendo's characters and items. Edit* It was posted just after megadave, I didn't hear about that news lol.
When did that news come out.? At least for me, Live! Would be the reason enough for getting a 360. I'm not really into it for the games on the 360, but the fact you can download demos and videos without any problem (I really enjoy demos), along with the online marketplace. It's really simple to figure out and I like that you can be downloading stuff in the background while doing other stuff. Plus it gives you unobtrusive alerts mid-game when stuff gets done or when friends go online.

I'm bitter at Nintendo right now because we just got some broadband adapters for the GameCubes and were going to LAN Mario Kart Double Dash only to find you can't choose your characters. Yeah it worked fine, but why the hell can't I choose my characters? Why couldn't they make it an option to be random?
Wii isn't really sizing up to be much better at this point, too. Brawl and the Mario Kart Wii are going to be my only saving grace. Yow that got kinda long. XBox Live has been kinda terrible for a while though. Nintendo likes having the right experience (to them) from the getgo. Live might not be perfect, but it's the best thing we have for now, aside from steam, which isn't any better. Besides, Live being terrible is no excuse.
They could have done it right from the start, they had the tech, the tools, and more importantly, the games. Live might not have had the tools it has now from the start, but it had the network to PLAY the games, and for the millions of players who logged into it, that's all that mattered. Nintendo likes to sit on his ass on matters like this and miss opportunities. The Wii might be doing great now, but it's online system is a piece of shit. Sure it's free, but that doesn't justify the archaich methods it's using (friend codes? Lawl) and the lack of connection and tools for players. Live might not be perfect, but it's the best thing we have for now, aside from steam, which isn't any better.
Besides, Live being terrible is no excuse. They could have done it right from the start, they had the tech, the tools, and more importantly, the games. Live might not have had the tools it has now from the start, but it had the network to PLAY the games, and for the millions of players who logged into it, that's all that mattered. Nintendo likes to sit on his ass on matters like this and miss opportunities. The Wii might be doing great now, but it's online system is a piece of shit. Sure it's free, but that doesn't justify the archaich methods it's using (friend codes?
Lawl) and the lack of connection and tools for players. That's all true (saying that Nintedo's online is better than or on par with XBox live is simply incorrect), but the simple reality of being able to play Nintendo's games online (whether shitty online or not) is a wonderful thing. I've heard that, besides the friend code system, Nintendo's online is pretty good, at least for Strikers and the forthcoming Guitar Hero. A lot of games are reportedly going to subvert the friend code system for Wii, so maybe, just maybe, Nintendo will learn to do the same. Those guys are always behind on something, yet they are Nintendo, and you have to love the shit out of them. I believe the new Mario Kart will be nothing short of superb, and I look forward to it more than any other game on any console.
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